To run SemanticScuttle, you need:
If you've downloaded a file from SourceForge, then this instructions are for you.
Create a new MySQL/PostgreSQL database
Import data/tables.sql into that database, i.e. run
$ mysql -umyusername -p mydatabasename < data/tables.sql
on the shell.
If you run PostgreSQL, use tables-postgresql.sql:
$ psql mydatabasename myusername < data/tables-postgresql.sql
You can also use a web interface like phpMyAdmin to import the file.
Copy data/config.php.dist to data/config.php and modify it as necessary. See configuration for more information.
Make the cache directory writable by your web server. For example, run
$ chmod 0777 cache
on the shell.
Set the www/ directory as document root in your web server, restart the web server.
That's all! Visit your SemanticScuttle installation web site now with your browser.
Register a user and add bookmarks.
In case point 5 of the installation instructions cannot be put into practice by you because you are not able to change the web server configuration, you are not lost! There is a way to get rid of www/ in your URL!
Imagine following directory layout:
/home/customer123/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ subdomain3/
Create a SemanticScuttle directory somewhere outside www if possible and put all directories except www/ in there. Move all files and directories from www/ into your subdomain directory. Then modify subdomain/www-header.php to include the correct file path.
The new directory layout should look that way:
/home/customer123/ semanticscuttle/ doc/ data/ src/ www/ subdomain1/ subdomain2/ (this is the semanticscuttle subdomain) about.php admin.php .. www-header.php subdomain3/
Now open www-header.php and replace
require_once '../src/SemanticScuttle/header.php';
require_once '../../semanticscuttle/src/SemanticScuttle/header.php';
Apart from the normal installation, you may install the SemanticScuttle PEAR package - it gives you the ability to upgrade to the next version with a single command, without manually unzipping files.
The SemanticScuttle PEAR channel is available at
Make sure you have the PEAR installer (or Pyrus) available and working. You can check that by running
$ pear version PEAR Version: 1.9.2 PHP Version: 5.3.6-13ubuntu3.2 Zend Engine Version: 2.3.0 Running on: Linux bogo 3.0.0-12-generic #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 14:56:25 UTC 2011 x86_64
Discover the channel if you haven't done so yet:
$ pear channel-discover
Verify that the channel has been added with:
$ pear list-channels Registered Channels: ==================== Channel Alias Summary ... sc SemanticScuttle PEAR channel ...
Install SemanticScuttle:
$ pear install sc/semanticscuttle-beta
Find out where it got installed to:
$ pear list-files sc/semanticscuttle
Generally, the directory you need to point your web server's DocumentRoot to is the PEAR www directory + /SemanticScuttle/. Find the www directory with:
$ pear config-get www_dir /usr/share/php/htdocs
The configuration file is located in PEAR's data directory + /SemanticScuttle/:
$ pear config-get data_dir /usr/share/php/data
In $data_dir/SemanticScuttle/, copy config.php.dist to config.php and continue with configuration.